22 Ideas to Help You Positively Age
Excerpts from a good article from Booming Encore.
1. Exercise
The benefits of exercise to help you positively age are extensive. Exercise can help prevent bone density loss, prevent chronic disease, boost immunity, increase mobility, decrease risk of falls and improve overall mood just for starters.
2. Avoid highly processed foods
Processed foods are any food that has been altered in some way in their preparation. They often contain high levels of sugar, salt and fats.
3. Get good quality sleep
Another area to focus on that will help you age well is sleep. Good quality sleep can help with improved cognitive functioning, improved memory, improved mental health, improved immune functioning, reduced risk of falls and reduced hospitalization.
4. Brush and floss daily
We had identified some time ago the benefits of brushing, flossing and visiting the dentist on a regular basis as there was shown to be increasing evidence between the association between gum inflammation and conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and respiratory problem.
5. Learn something new
When was the last time you learned something new? This is important to positive aging as continued learning can contribute to improved well being, confidence, life satisfaction and engagement – just to start.
6. Get an eye exam
If you haven’t had a recent eye exam, you should add this to your to-do list. As we age, we have increased risk of age-related eye diseases and conditions such as macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, cataracts, glaucoma and dry eye. Getting our vision checked regularly can help identify these issues early so that they can be treated if necessary.
7. Eat more fiber
Is fiber your friend? Here's why it should be.
Some research published by The Gerontological Society of America shared that dietary fibre intake is definitely associated with positive aging;
"Essentially, we found that those who had the highest intake of fiber or total fiber actually had an almost 80 percent greater likelihood of living a long and healthy life over a 10-year follow-up. That is, they were less likely to suffer from hypertension, diabetes, dementia, depression, and functional disability."
Looking for some high fiber foods? Then check out this list published by the Mayo Clinic.
8. Spend time with family and friends
The pandemic has caused havoc in all our lives and one area that was often impacted was our ability to spend time with people. But it’s important that we make sure that we stay connected.
Staying socially active is associated with having better mental and physical health – especially as we age.
Maintaining positive relationships can help us reduce our stress levels, improve our mood, increase our cardiovascular health and encourage positive health behaviours.
9. Prepare your home for aging
The majority of people are hoping to age in their own homes. But some changes or renovations to our homes may be necessary in order for us to actually be able to achieve this. It’s best to prepare in advance before it becomes a problem.
10. Stay optimistic
Would you consider yourself to be an optimistic person? If you are – that’s great news because some research has discovered;
“…more optimistic individuals are less likely to suffer from chronic diseases and die prematurely. Our results further suggest that optimism is specifically related to 11 to 15% longer life span, on average, and to greater odds of achieving “exceptional longevity,” that is, living to the age of 85 or beyond.”
11. Watch your weight
Are you carrying more weight that you should? If you’re not sure, you can check with this BMI assessment tool.
The reason that this is important is that obesity can reduce life expectancy by 5.8 years for men and 7.1 years for women so there are some good reasons to drop those extra pounds.
12. Volunteer
So often when people volunteer, they say that even though they are the ones giving their time and energy what they actually get back seems like more than what they gave.
Well, here’s some more good news about volunteering and it’s association with aging. A study conducted by the University of Calgary discovered that those that volunteered one hour a week were 2.4 times less likely to develop dementia than those that didn’t volunteer.
Now to get these benefits you must be consistent in volunteering. But what an amazing by-product for doing a good deed.
13. Watch less TV
Watching television is a major pastime for older people and probably increased even more given the pandemic.
But how much television is too much television?
A study of older people and TV consumption found that 3.5 hours a day seems to be the maximum amount recommended. Any more than was discovered could cause cognitive decline.
14. Consider getting a pet
Having a pet is a big responsibility but there are also some great benefits when it comes to aging.
In a survey of pet owners between the ages of 50 to 80 conducted by the University of Michigan discovered that pet owners felt their pets;
15. Listen to music
As this article from John Hopkins shares, listening to music stimulates our brains and provides many benefits such as reducing anxiety, blood pressure and pain along with improving our sleep quality, mood and alertness. It’s been referred to as being a total brain workout and also helps contribute to our overall brain health as we age.
16. Have a purpose
What gets you out of bed in the morning? What gets you excited about the prospect of a new day?
Having a purpose in life can lead to longer longevity, increased wellness, improved sleep and also better physical functioning.
17. Get a medical check up
The CDC reports that approximately 85% of older adults have at least one chronic health condition, and 60% have at least two chronic conditions. Many of these conditions can be managed well if identified early.
By doing an annual medical check up, tests can be done to screen for conditions that can then be treated before they become a major problem.
18. Go for a fast walk
Walking is a great form of exercise but if you’re heading out for a walk, you may want to pick up the pace.
A study found that people who were 60 or older and walked at an average pace saw their risk of death from heart disease decrease by 46 percent but it increased to 53 percent for those people that walked fast..
19. Laugh daily
Did you know that when you laugh you release a whole host of healthy benefits?
A good laugh can help to relax you, increase your circulation, improve your immune system, provide pain relief and just improve your mood.
20. If you have hearing aids, wear them
Hearing loss has been linked to increased falls, social isolation, declining cognitive functioning, heart health, diabetes and kidney issues.
21. Do a medication checkup
Drugs are helpful and very often necessary to maintain our health as we age. But sometimes multiple drugs can negatively interact with each other and cause problems.
So if you are taking medications, it may be wise to have a review with your doctor and/or pharmacist to make sure that you are taking your prescriptions correctly and don’t have the potential for negative interaction(s).
22. Practice gratitude
There are certainly lots of things to get down about happening around us and it’s easy to become both overwhelmed and distressed. But there is one simple thing that you can do to combat this – practice gratitude.
By practicing gratitude, you may discover you will have more positive emotions, improved health, increased ability to deal with adversity and also build stronger relationships.
And it’s a pretty easy thing to do too. You can write gratitude letters (and you don’t even have to send them to get the benefit), you can start a gratitude journal and document the things you are grateful for or just express gratitude to the people you are grateful for.
Just start and see where it takes you. This costs so little but has the opportunity for a major payback.
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